A statute of Benkos Biohó in Palenque town Square. Biohó was a former king sold into slavery, escaped from Cartagena, who created an army of escaped slaves. Bohió conquered parts of the Montes de Maria area, and in 1605 the governor of Cartagena offered Biohó a peace treaty which was finalized with inhabitants of Palenque in 1612. In 1621 Biohó was executed by hanging - for fear he was likely to inspire revolt among the slave population.

A statute of Benkos Biohó in Palenque town Square. Biohó was a former king sold into slavery, escaped from Cartagena, who created an army of escaped slaves. Bohió conquered parts of the Montes de Maria area, and in 1605 the governor of Cartagena offered Biohó a peace treaty which was finalized with inhabitants of Palenque in 1612. In 1621 Biohó was executed by hanging - for fear he was likely to inspire revolt among the slave population.

Statue of Antonio ‘Kid Pambelé’ Cervantes -- a two-time world Jr. Welterweight champion -- who was born in San Basilio de Palenque.

Rafael Cassiani - group leader of Sexteto Tabalá, a Colombian son music group performing a fusion of son music and Palenque music.

Palenque drummers and dancers perform outside of the Palace of Inquisition - the seat of the Holy Office of Inquisition in colonial Cartagena - tasked with quashing heresy, witchcraft, magic, and blasphemy. Cartagena, Colombia

A student with a Palenque style drum sits with others at Universidad de Cartagena Campus San Agustin. Cartagena, Colombia