Murray and Helen were Holocaust survivors from Poland. Both came from families of eight and both were the sole survivors of their families. Murray grew up in a small working-class family and began his trade as a tailor in his early teens. Helen grew up in an upper-class and well-educated family. Murray fled Poland, was captured in the Ukraine and held in work camp, escaped, and waited out the war in hiding. After the war Murray learned his entire family perished at the Treblinka concentration camp. When German forces arrived in Warsaw, Helen and her family were moved into the Warsaw Ghetto, survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and were transported to the Madjanek concentration camp where Helen's family perished. Later, Helen was moved to Auschwitz and later marched to Bergen-Belsen where she was liberated at the end of the war. Both met after the war in Germany, moved to NY, then Kansas, and settled in Colorado.